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Bylaws of the Tri-County Community Collaborative for Children, Youth, and Families

Adopted on June 1, 2014

Amended on July 26, 2016



Name, Mission & Vision and System of Care Values & Principles


Section 1. Name

The Tri-County Community Collaborative for Children, Youth & Families (Hereafter called “Collaborative”)


Section 2. Mission & Vision

Our Mission as the Tri-County Community Collaborative, we serve as a resource for area families in need of support and services as well as professionals in organizations providing these supports and services.

  • We advocate for children, youth and families through education, community connections and networking of all organizations that enhance wellness in our community.

  • We empower families to access and connect with individualized, family-centered, community, focused supports and services.

  • We strive to promote a non-judgmental, family-driven and youth-guided approach to navigating a path to wellness.

Our vision as the Tri-County Community Collaborative:

  • We have participation from youth and families as well as providers and public agencies in the Tri-County area.

  • We are a recognized resource in our community for youth and their families as well as a network for providers and public agencies.

  • We are supported through individual membership, agency sponsorship, and generous donors that help us reach our goals.

Section 3: System Of Care Values and Principles

The Collaborative will strive to follow System of Care Values and Principles as follows:

  1. The Collaborative empowers children (ages 0-14), youth (ages 14-26), and families to have an active voice in their care.

  2. The Collaborative is a collective voice for advocacy.

  3. The Collaborative values culturally competent treatment.

  4. The Collaborative works to improve geographic access to treatment and eliminate barriers.

  5. The Collaborative works to promote efficient and cost effective use of community resources.

  6. The Collaborative strives to improve effective communication between families, community agencies, and stakeholders.

  7. The Collaborative actively focuses on and implements community solutions.



Membership, Voting, Terms of Appointment, Removal


Section 1    Membership/Stakeholders

All stakeholders are welcome. The Collaborative will especially encourage participation from the following:

  1. Certified Family Partners

  2. Parents/Guardians/Family Member

  3. Youth

  4. System of Care Coordinators

  5. Mental Health Providers

  6. Substance Use Providers

  7. Intellectually or Developmentally Disabled Providers

  8. Prevention/Early Intervention Service Providers

  9. Department of Social Services

  10. Department of Public Safety - Division of Adult Correction and Juvenile Justice

  11. Department of Public Instruction

  12. Division of Vocational Rehabilitation

  13. Local Interagency Coordinating Council

  14. Child Advocacy Center

  15. Office of the Courts

  16. Guardian Ad Litem

  17. Member of Faith Community

  18. Nonprofit Agency

  19. Police Department

  20. Sheriff Department

  21. Health Department

  22. Pediatricians

  23. Parks & Recreation


Section 2          Voting

Voting on Collaborative business may take place in person at the meeting or through electronic webinar. Notification of items to be voted on will be shared in the reminder email/agenda sent two weeks prior to meeting. In order to have equal representation, each agency/organization will have one vote rather than allowing each staff representative to have a vote. Family and youth members each have their own vote.


Section 3         Terms of Appointment

There are no official terms of appointment for Collaborative members.



Powers and Duties of the Collaborative


The duties and powers of the Collaborative are a follows:


  1. Put in place the initiatives and goals determined by the Steering Committee that are outlined in the Strategic Plan

  2. Hold Monthly Meetings

  3. Promote System of Care Values throughout the community at events sponsored by the Collaborative



Elections of Officers


Section 1    Elections of Officers

The members of the Collaborative shall elect annually the Co-Chairs, Secretary and Treasurer.  All officers shall be elected by the Collaborative during the meeting held in June or July of each year.  All newly elected officers begin their term and duties effective on the first day of the new fiscal year.  All officers shall hold office for the term of one year, but may be re-elected for a second year.  Any of the officers may be dismissed at any time during his or her term by a majority vote of the Council.


Duties of Office


Section 1     Duties of Office


The Co-Chairs shall:

  1. Preside at all meetings of the Collaborative;

  2. Enforce these Bylaws and see that all orders and resolutions of the Collaborative are carried out;

  3. Create agenda and send out to members two weeks before meeting;



The Secretary shall:

  1. Record Meeting minutes
  2. Assist the Co-Chairs with any other duties as requested of the Co-Chairs.



     The Treasurer shall:

  1. Maintain records of all income and expenses

  2. Provide the record to the members at meetings and to the officers and fiscal agent when requested

  3. Preside over the Financial Advisory Committee





Section 1    Meetings

Meetings of the Collaborative are held monthly on dates designated at the first meeting of the year.  The routine location is established at that time. WebEx links and telephone numbers will be posted on website and in email notification to be sent out at least two (2) weeks prior to the meeting.  Collaborative members are notified by the Co-Chairs if any changes in meeting location at least one (1) week prior to the meeting.


Section 2   Open Meeting Laws

All meetings of the Collaborative are subject to the Open Meetings Law.  

Section 3    Record Keeping 

The Collaborative shall keep accurate minutes, either written or audio recorded, of all public meetings and provide copies to the Co-Chairs to be uploaded to the Collaborative website.


Section 4   Quorum

All members receive a reminder of the Collaborative meeting fourteen (14) days prior to  

the meeting in order to respond if they cannot attend. The Collaborative needs a

minimum of 10 of the 23 encouraged members and at least 2 from each county present

to Vote.


Section 5   Special Meetings

The times, dates, and places of special meetings of the Collaborative may be set at the call of the Co-Chairs. Notice shall be given by the usual means of communication at least ten (10) days prior to a special meeting.


Section 6    Parliamentary Rules

All meetings shall be conducted in an open, orderly, and fair manner, The rules contained in the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the Collaborative in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and any special rules of order the Collaborative may adopt.




These by-laws may be amended or repealed and new by-laws may be adopted, with an affirmative vote a minimum of 10 of the 23 encouraged members and at least 2 from each county present to Vote at any meeting provided that prior written notice of said amendment has been given at least one (1) week before the scheduled meeting. These bylaws should be reviewed annually to ensure they still express the intentions of the Collaborative membership




Section 1 Standing Committees

The membership may establish the following committees that may have the duties and responsibilities described herein or by Steering Committee Resolution.

  • Steering Committee. The membership shall appoint a Steering Committee consisting of no less than five (5) members, including the two co-chairs,  secretary, and treasurer . The Steering Committee shall:

    • The Steering Committee may exercise all powers and authority of membership (within the limits prescribed by law) and may have such specific powers and responsibilities as determined by the membership.

    • The co-chairs shall act as chairpersons of the Steering Committee.

    • The Steering Committee will keep minutes of its proceedings, keep records of its proceedings with the records of the Collaborative

    • The Steering Committee will report to the membership on actions taken.

  • Membership/Sustainability Committee. The Membership/Sustainability Committee shall consist of no less than three (3) individuals. A member shall serve as the chair of this committee. The Membership/Sustainability Committee Shall:

    • The Membership/Sustainability Committee will recruit and maintain the membership base; and help members become part of a community which supports the work of the organization.

    • The Membership/Sustainability Committee will expand the membership base and provide opportunities for membership connections, either geographically or by discipline,

    • The Membership/Sustainability Committee will advance the Collaborative mission and increase participation, support and visibility

    • The Membership/Sustainability Committee will collaborate with other related organizations and update their members about relevant activities

  • Communication/Social Media Committee. The Communication/Social Marketing Committee will consist of no less than three (3) individuals. A member shall serve as the chair of this committee. The Communication/Social Marketing Committee shall:

    • The Communication/Social Media Committee will manage communication with members and maintenance of organization’s website and will promote and educate all stakeholders on best practices and policy for children, youth and families.


  • Financial Advisory Committee. The Financial Advisory Committee will consist of no less than three (3) individuals. The Treasurer will serve as the chair of this committee. The Financial Advisory Committee shall:

    • The Financial Advisory Committee will work on the Collaboration budget, work with our fiscal agent NC Families United, work on grants and on financial matters to fulfill the purpose, mission and vision of the Collaborative.


Section 2 Special Committees. The co-chairs may appoint special committees for a specified term with the concurrence of the membership, for such special tasks as circumstances warrant. A special committee shall limit its activities to the accomplishment of the tasks for which it is appointed and shall have no power to act except as specifically conferred by action of the membership. Upon completion of the tasks for which it was created, a special committee shall stand discharged.


Section 3 Term of Office and Removal of Committee Members. The co-chairs shall appoint committee chairpersons. Each committee chairperson shall be responsible for selecting other members of the committee. All committee members and committee chairpersons shall be subject to removal with cause at any time by a vote of a majority.  


Section 4 Committee Authority. No committees of the membership shall be authorized to take the following actions:

  1. Authorize distributions to or for the benefit of the chairpersons or officers;

  2. Approve dissolution, merger or the sale, pledge, or transfer of all or substantially all of the Collaborative assets;

  3. Adopt, amend, or repeal the bylaws

Branch of 

Join us at our monthly meetings:

Fourth Tuesday from 2 pm to 4 pm

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mental illness, mental health, substance misuse, substance abuse, substance use disorder, MI, SA, SUD, IDD, developmental disorder, child, children, youth, teen, family, families, support, therapists, treatment, resources, 

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